Multani Khadirarishta is one of the most advised classical Ayurvedic formulations of Khadira (Acacia catechu) which contains 5 to 10% self-generated alcohol produced by fermentation of herbal decoctions.
Properties and Uses:
It is Rakta-Shodhak and anti-allergic medicine useful in all types of skin disorders.
Dosage and Anupan:
15 – 30 ml once or twice a day with an equal quantity of water, usually advised to be taken after meals.
Side Effects:
Dosage should not exceed more than 50 ml at a single time as it may cause loose motions and gastrointestinal disturbances.
Shelf Life:
10 years. Consume the bottle within 2 months after opening.
1. Bhaishajya Ratnavali Kustha Rog Chikitsa Prakaran 54/365-370
2. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India, Part – II (Formulations) Volume – II, 1:14
3. Ayurved Sar Sangrah Asava-Arishta Prakaran