Dashmularishta is a widely advised Ayurvedic preparation, made with the fermentation of dashmul decoction which by the time self generate 5-10 % of alcohol in it.
Herb/Drug name | Latin name | Part used | Quantity |
1.Shandliya | Aeglemarmelos | St.Bk. | 48g |
2.Syonaka | Oroxylumindicum | St.Bk. | 48g |
3.Madhuparnika | Gmelinaarborea | St.Bk. | 48g |
4.Amogha | Stereospermumsuaveolens | St.Bk. | 48g |
5.Shriparna | Premnamucronata | St.Bk. | 48g |
6.Shalparni | Desmodiumgangeticum | Pl. | 48g |
7.Prisnparni | Urariapicta | Rt. | 48g |
8.Singhi | Solanumindicum | Pl. | 48g |
9.Vyaghri | Solanumxanthocarpum | Pl. | 48g |
10.Goksura | Tribulus terrestrial | Pl. | 48g |
11.Citraka | Plumbagozeylanicum | Rt. | 240g |
12.Puskara | Inularacemosa | Rt. | 240g |
13.Lodhra | Symplocosracemosa | St.Bk. | 192g |
14.Amrita | Tinosporacordifolia | St. | 192g |
15.Amalaki | Emblicaofficinalis | P. | 154g |
16.Duralabha | Fagoniacretica | Pl. | 115g |
17.Baalpatra | Acacia catechu | Ht.Wd. | 77g |
18.Bijasara | Pterocarpusmarsupium | Ht.Wd. | 77g |
19.Haritaki | Terminaliachebula | P. | 77g |
20.kustha | Saussurealappa | Rt. | 19g |
21.Manjistha | Rubiacordifolia | Rt. | 19g |
22.Bhadradaru | Cedrusdeodara | Ht.Wd. | 19g |
23.Vidanga | Embeliaribes | Fr. | 19g |
24.Madhuka | Glycyrrhizaglabra | Rt. | 19g |
25.Bharngi | Clerodendrumserratum | Rt. | 19g |
26.Kapittha | Feronialimonia | Fr.P. | 19g |
27.Bibhitaka | Terminaliabellirica | P. | 19g |
28.Rakt Punarnava | Boerhaviadiffusa | Rt. | 19g |
29.Cavya | Piper retrofractum | St. | 19g |
30.Jatamansi | Nardostachysjatamansi | Rz. | 19g |
31.Priyangu | Callicarpamacrophylla | Fl. | 19g |
32.Sariva | Hemidesmusindicus | Rt. | 19g |
33.Krisna jiraka | Carumcarvi | Fr. | 19g |
34.Trivrita | Operculinaturpethum | Rt. | 19g |
35.Renuka | Vitexnegundo | Sd. | 19g |
36.Rasna | Pluchealanceolata | Lf. | 19g |
37.Krsna | Piper longum | Fr. | 19g |
38.Kramuka | Areca catechu | Sd. | 19g |
39.Sathi | Hedychiumspicatum | Rz. | 19g |
40.Haridra | Curcuma longa | Rz. | 19g |
41.Satapuspa | Anethumsowa | Fr. | 19g |
42.Padmaka | Prunuscerasoides | S. | 19g |
43.Nagakesara | Mesuaferrea | Stmn. | 19g |
44.musta | Cyperusrotundus | Rz. | 19g |
45.Indrayava | Holarrhenaantidysenterica | Sd. | 19g |
46.Karkatsrngi | Pistaciaintegrrima | Gl. | 19g |
47.Jivaka | Pueraria tuberos | Rt.Tr. | 19g |
48.Rsabhaka | Microstyliswallichii | Rt.Tr. | 19g |
49.Meda | Polygonatumcirrhifolium | Rt.Tr. | 19g |
50.Mahameda | Asparagus racemosus | Rt.Tr. | 19g |
51.Kakoli | Withaniasomnifera | Sub.Rt. | 19g |
52.Ksirakakoli | Withaniasomnifera | Sub.Rt. | 19g |
53.Rddhi | Dioscoreabulbifera | Sub.Rt.Tr. | 19g |
54.Vrddhi | Dioscoreabulbifera | Sub.Rt.Tr. | 19g |
55.Jala for decoction reduced to | Water | 20l | |
56.Draksa | Vitisvinifera | Dr.Fr. | 600g |
57.Jala for decoction reduced to | Water | 2.45l | |
58.Madhu | Honey | 307g | |
59.Guda | Jaggery | 3.8g | |
60.Dhataki | Woodfordiafruitcosa | Fl. | 290g |
61.Kankola | Piper cubeba | Fr. | 19g |
62.Hrivera | Coleus vettiveroides | Rt. | 19g |
63.Sveta Candana | Santalum album | Ht.Wd. | 19g |
64.Jati phala | Myristicafragrans | Sd. | 19g |
65.Lavanga | Syzygiumaromaticum | Fl.Bud. | 19g |
66.Utkat | Cinnamomumzeylanicum | St.Bk. | 19g |
67.Sukshmaila | Elettariacardamomum | Sd. | 19g |
68.Tejpatra | Cinnamomumtamla | Lf. | 19g |
69.Nagkesara | Mesuaferrea | Stmn. | 19g |
70.Pippali | Piper longum | Fr. | 19g |
71.KatakaPhala | Strychnospotatorum | Sd. | QS. |
Properties and Uses:
This Balya formulation is used in conditions- Piles, Fistula in ano, Jaundice, Abdominal diseases, Retention of urine, Dyspepsia, Anorexia, Cough, Asthma, Vatvyaddhi, Emaciation, Weakness, Infertility, Anemia.
Dosage and Anupan:
10-20 ml with same quantity of water , orally twice a day after meal.
Side Effects:
If the taken amount exceeds 50 ml at a single time it may cause gastrointestinal disturbances and loose motions. And it should not be given to patients with increased Pitta dosha.
Shelf Life:
From manufactured date upto 10 years. Must be consumed within 2 months after opening the bottle.